

do•doc is an open-source tool, designed to support the creation and sharing of multimedia documents and narratives.

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Documentation Station for theater companies

A mobile furniture to support theater companies in their creative processes. Its design aims at best integrating several capture devices to enable an easy documentation of rehearsals and other theater experiments.

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The Studio's Notebooks

A time-based documentation tool to collaboratively keep notes and capture media from live experiences.

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Documentation Station

First designed for the Carrefour numérique² - Cité des sciences et de l’industrie (Paris). Modular and playful, this station is both a documentation station, including do•doc to capture traces of making activities, and a creativity station, including multiple creative kits and flexible arrangments to facilitate workshops in the Living Lab.

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This kit enables the setting of a light and modular studio to easily collect traces of one's activity. It is made out of basic components to be assembled to best suit a given situation and to be used with do•doc (or any other media-making software), including a mic, a webcam (or a phone) and a cute controler.

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Millefeuille a pour objectif de permettre rapidement et simplement la constitution d’empilements de représentations sensibles et de données bruts avec une composante géographique.

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L’Opendoc is an online platform dedicated to create and share documentations in a collaborative and chronological way.

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